Saturday, April 13, 2013

L is for Loco

Loco:  crazy

It is April and the weather in Central Wisconsin is MUY LOCO!!!!

We had a higher than average snowfall for this year.  It was beautiful and made for a fun winter.  Now it is spring.  I am anxious to see how my many flower bulbs did over the winter.  I am anxious to fill my garden boxes with black dirt and compost.  I want to plant tomatoes and green chiles.

Unfortunately, there is still a lot of snow on the ground.  There have only been a handful of days over 40 degrees.  We have had more snow than sunshine this week.

My brain has stopped functioning.  I can't remember what I was going to do or say half  most of the time. The fog in my head is consuming me.  I need sunshine.  I need warmth.  I need to dig in the dirt. 

I have spring fever.  Not the kind I usually get every year.  This year I am spring crazy - primavara LOCO!!


  1. I am so behind on reading your posts. It is now almost 2 weeks later. Is the weather better for growing? Wait, have you already posted about this and I haven't yet read it? Or even worse, have I read it and just don't remember? LOL

    1. No playing in the dirt or growing things yet....we got another *flurry* yesterday. This one was really beautiful though. We are suppose to get into the 60's today. The first time this year!!!
