Boom (verb) make a very loud noise
I was awakened this a.m. by a BOOM! It was snow thunder and lightening. Snow....again. This has been a very long winter. This morning's white has turned more wet so we have a slushy mess. Not a fan.
We have had some wonderfully sunny days this last week. I am perplexed that I have 2 children who see being indoors as a punishment. They long to be outside at every moment. They played outside all last week despite the cool temperatures (upper 30's lower 40's), even doing crafts in the driveway. We have 2 personalized pillows made from bubble wrap and stuffed with personal items......snoopy for Em, a hippo for Little A's, surrounded by "fluff" - ribbon, tissue paper, scrap fabric, etc. There is never a lack of ingenuity at our house. Which brings me to the other child. Quite the reverse, being sent outside is deemed punishment of the worse kind. He would spend his entire life in our cozy "cave" downstairs. He has his standards, there is a fireplace that glows with warmth in the winter and in the summer, the cave is a cool comforting reprieve from any heat &/or humidity. Big A will be outside again once the snow has melted, he loves to ride his bike and that will lure him out. He attempted to ride around 2 weeks ago, but was defeated by an evil ice community at the end of our driveway.....he went down, put his bike up and trekked back downstairs. We may have our own little groundhog, once he can ride without worry, we will know that winter is over.
I am hopeful that the next BOOM that wakes me in the a.m. will be a refreshing, cleansing summer rain shower.
Winter is WI is soooo fun. A good portion of my family lives in wis. Wishing for nicer weather for you!